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Small Wall Pack (CLS-SM704)

The small metal halide wall pack can be used for commercial buildings, security lighting and parking lot lighting. With wattages up to 70 watt metal halide, they are the perfect choice for smaller lighting products.


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Die cast aluminum housing with hinged front frame, ½˝ coin plugs with O-rings for conduit & photocell, textured architectural bronze powdercoat fi nish over a chromate conversion coating

Aluminum reflector

Molded prismatic borosilicate glass lens with gasket

HID: Porcelain 4KV pulse rate medium base socket with nickel plated screw shell

Optional cast aluminum mounting plate mounts directly over a 4˝ recessed outlet box, or use ½˝ surface conduit

High Pressure Sodium: 35 to 150w
Metal Halide: 50 to 100w

Listing & Ratings:
CSA: Listed for wet locations